South Wilts Youth Mini Soccer League
Get your entries in!
Following on from recent communication, a member’s survey and a club consultation event held this week we are delighted to announce details of the ‘South Wiltshire Mini Soccer League’ for the start of the 2019/20 season.
The key principles of the league are as follows following consultation with clubs:
- Age groups will run at U7, U8 & U9 with final playing formats being decided at a league AGM but as a minimum will fall in line with the FA Youth Development review.
- Central venue fixtures will take place on a Sunday in the form of dedicated venues or rotated club venues for those who could & wish to host.
- Various trophy events will take place during the season with a potential inclusion of Futsal.
- The league will be implementing all FA Respect initiatives.
- The league will endeavour to achieve Charter Standard League Status by the end of the 2019/20 season. This will require clubs to also achieve Charter
- Standard club status if not already in place.
- Wiltshire County FA will administer the league with club representation forming the league committee.
Next Steps
- The entry deadline for entering the league is 5pm on Tuesday 21st May with the completed league entry form (attached) needing to be returned by the club secretary to
- A list of entered clubs and at which age groups will be circulated by no later than 5pm on Friday 24th May to all entered club secretaries.
- Further details including the AGM, season league planner & additional information will be sent to clubs post the 24th May 2019.
If you have any questions regarding the ‘South Wiltshire Mini Soccer League’ then please contact the Wiltshire FA Development Team on 01793 486047 (option 2).