Wiltshire FA relocation to Devizes
Wiltshire FA has now sold the office in Dorcan Swindon.
All post that has been sent via Royal Mail will be redirected, and we ask where possible that all communications for the foreseeable future is sent by email and telephone. Given the current working arrangement this should have minimal impact on members, as it coincides with staff working from home.
Wiltshire FA kindly requests that nobody visits, or hand delivers materials to Unit 2/3 Dorcan Business Park.
We intended to make the transition from Swindon to Devizes seamless and despite the current climate we believe this can still be achieved, with minimum impact for our members. This means for a short period of time Wiltshire FA will not have a physical office.
In regard to the site in Devizes, the contractors are now back on site, and as such further progress will be made to complete the new community facility, at the earliest opportunity.
Further announcements will be made in due course, please respect that developments will be at a slower pace to comply with social distancing and government directive.
It is hoped that Wiltshire FA will be settled into our new facility and be able to greet members for face to face interaction in line with preparations for the 2020/2021 season.
An update will follow shortly with the new postal address, as soon as the Devizes site is live.
Should you have urgent queries, please contact members of staff direct.