Become a Champion
Along with our campaign partner, Hills Waste Solutions, we want to raise awareness about how football can help to address climate change.
Acknowledging it is time to act, our The Good Game campaign aims to work with partners to signpost the football community to ideas they could adopt to be more green, sharing best practice and offering advice and suggestions with the ambition to collectively make a difference in Wiltshire.
We are now recruiting Good Game Champions!
Do your club the world of good and nominate a Good Game Champion today.
We are launching a pilot scheme to find 10 people from Wiltshire Football to form a network of Good Game Champions to fight for change. Our champions don't need to be experts to show their commitment to the environment, they simply have to be the person to ask questions, suggest changes, chat and debate sustainability in football.
Each champion will:
Receive a Good Game Champion t-shirt
Be offered training from Save Today, Play Tomorrow to understand more about sustainability in football
Be invited to a tour of Hills Waste Solutions plant
Have opportunities to share the success stories from their clubs
Be entered into Wiltshire FA Sustainability Award in the Grassroots Excellence Awards
Have the chance to make a difference
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
Be the person who says we should be doing more.
Play the Good Game
Be a Champion!
Become a Good Game Champion and do your club the world of good.
You don't need to be an expert to show your commitment to the environment, simply be the person to ask questions, make suggestions, chat and debate about the small steps you could take to reduce your environmental impact.
We are launching a pilot scheme, seeking 10 champions from across our network. Each champion will be given a t-shirt, offered training to understand more about sustainability in football, invited to share stories and will be entered into Wiltshire FA Excellence Awards.